Monday, January 17, 2011

Thank you, Dr. King.

In this climate of cultural pessimism, disrespect for the opinions and philosophies of others and the tendency to promote and incite violence against others have taken a forefront in the daily news and in our daily lives. Perhaps because of this, the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. seems all that more welcomed and appreciated. I want my children to know that one person can make a positive difference, that the world is full of people who value the lives of others as much as their own, and that in order for us to have a healthy, successful society, we all must participate in the betterment of our country and the people who live in it. I don't want my sweet Ella and Summit to know hatred and animosity or devastation and hopelessness. Their futures are so bright and limitless from this point, especially from their perspectives. They can be the goodness and beauty and kindness and love that our earth requires of her inhabitants. May you both always be good, appreciate all forms of life...from trees to animals to people, and love as much as you can.

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