Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Extraordinary Loves

Today is one of those days that doesn't happen all the time. Literally. It's the 29th of February. Or...does it happen twice each year that doesn't have the date plugged into the calendar? Or is there any such thing as March 1st at all? And, if there's no March 1st, what does that do to the 2nd? Or the 3rd? Does this affect April? If it affects April, can it change July? And, if it changes July, can we skip my birthday this year and I get to be the same age for a little longer? I'm totally willing to give up July 14th so February 29th can have a more permanent place in each year. Though, the French might not be so stoked on giving up their independence celebrations. Hmmmm.
Yeah. These are things I think about sometimes.
Most of the time, though, I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have the family and friends that I do. They are, after all, what make my world go round, what help me through when times are tough, and what bring me happiness and laughter as each year happens by. And, though they are more commonplace than the 29th of February, they are far more extraordinary than a leap year.
I love you all.

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